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Инфоблок: "Контакты"
Central Design Bureau of HYDROACOUSTICS is the modern enterprise, dealing with design, manufacturing and repair of hydroacoustic and acoustic equipment of different purposes.
2A, M. Kryvonosa str.,
Kyiv, 03037, Ukraine
tel. (+38-044) 249-34-33;
      (+38-044) 249-34-74
fax (+38-044) 249-34-72

Lines of Development

Ship and Helicopter Hydroacoustic Stations

Design, production, repair and modernizing of ship and helicopter hydroacoustic stations.
Purpose of use: underwater objects and divers detection.
Specification: under agreement with the customer.

Constructive version:
·         Ship hydroacoustic stations – submercible, towed, underkeel, onboard;
·         Helicopter hydroacoustic stations – submercible
CDB of HA provides: 
·         Production, delivery and installation of experimental and serial samples;
·         Organization of the stations serial production and sale;
·         Warranty and post-warranty service;
·         Production, delivery and installation of the spare parts and units, including hydroacoustic transmitters and arrays.