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Инфоблок: "Контакты"
Central Design Bureau of HYDROACOUSTICS is the modern enterprise, dealing with design, manufacturing and repair of hydroacoustic and acoustic equipment of different purposes.
2A, M. Kryvonosa str.,
Kyiv, 03037, Ukraine
tel. (+38-044) 249-34-33;
      (+38-044) 249-34-74
fax (+38-044) 249-34-72

Lines of Development

Hydroacoustic Arrays and Transmitters

Design, production, repair and modernizing of hydroacoustic arrays and broad band, different power and purpose transmitters.

Hydroacoustic transmitters: cylindrical (solid, sectioned, armored), disk-shaped, spherical, linear-flexural, arched, vector, combined. 

Hydroacoustic arrays: radiant, receiving, combined.
