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Инфоблок: "Контакты"
Central Design Bureau of HYDROACOUSTICS is the modern enterprise, dealing with design, manufacturing and repair of hydroacoustic and acoustic equipment of different purposes.
2A, M. Kryvonosa str.,
Kyiv, 03037, Ukraine
tel. (+38-044) 249-34-33;
      (+38-044) 249-34-74
fax (+38-044) 249-34-72

Lines of Development

Hydroacoustic Station "Bronza-ME-LUGAN'"

The hydroacoustic station “Bronza-ME-LUGAN’” is designed for average and small displacement ships. Main functions: underwater environment lightning; coordinates search, detection and determination; tracking the underwater objects; determination the distance to the goal (underwater object); delivering target destination data into the ship systems; sonar operator training mode.

Underwater State Lightning System "KLIVER-1"

"KLIVER-1"- underwater state lightning system is designed for underwater moving objects detection. The main advantage of this system is its functionability in shallow waters with depth from 50 till 200 m. The system contains the autonomous radiohydroacoustic stations (ARHAS) “KLIVER-10” and receiving coastal post “KLIVER-RP”.

Radiohydroacoustic Buoys of Different Purpose

Radiohydroacoustic Buoys (RHB) of Different Purpose: 1. Anchored RHB – up to 3 months of operation 2. Drift RHB – up to 24 hours of operation Purpose: detection of submerging submarine, bearing determination. Installation method in the defined area of water: from the helicopter, airplane, ship and so on board.

Small Diver Detecting Hydroacoustic Station (HAS)

This station is designed for divers detection by means of providing: Ships, yachts guard while mooring in port, in the open sea and in roads; Industrial objects guard in ports, harbours; sea oil-gas platforms and pipelines guard; Divers detection while carrying out training submersion; Divers detection while carrying out underwater research, rescuing, assembly and other operations.

Ship and Helicopter Hydroacoustic Stations

Design, production, repair and modernizing of ship and helicopter hydroacoustic stations. Purpose of use: underwater objects and divers detection. Specification: under agreement with the customer. Constructive version: Ship hydroacoustic stations – submercible, towed, underkeel, onboard; Helicopter hydroacoustic stations – submercible.

Hydroacoustic Arrays and Transmitters

Design, production, repair and modernizing of hydroacoustic arrays and broad band, different power and purpose transmitters.