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Инфоблок: "Контакты"
Central Design Bureau of HYDROACOUSTICS is the modern enterprise, dealing with design, manufacturing and repair of hydroacoustic and acoustic equipment of different purposes.
2A, M. Kryvonosa str.,
Kyiv, 03037, Ukraine
tel. (+38-044) 249-34-33;
      (+38-044) 249-34-74
fax (+38-044) 249-34-72

Lines of Development

Radiohydroacoustic Buoys of Different Purpose

Radiohydroacoustic Buoys (RHB) of Different Purpose:
- Anchored RHB – up to 3 months of operation;
- Drift RHB – up to 24 hours of operation.
Purpose: detection of submerging submarine, bearing determination.
Installation method in the defined area of water: from the helicopter, airplane, ship and so on board.
Buoys throwing out might be made by means of starting container (SLC) of the type LAU-111/A or LAU-126/A. 
The buoys are compatible both with onboard equipment DICASS and with the radiotransmitter CASS (ASA-76).
Buoy Composition:
  • Parachute;
  • Radio electronic device;
  • Power Supply;
  • Hydroacoustic array;
  • Control Board.