Lines of Development

Underwater State Lightning System "KLIVER-1"
"KLIVER-1"- underwater state lightning system is designed for installation on the sea depth from 50 till 200 m.
The system contains the autonomous radiohydroacoustic stations (ARHAS) “KLIVER-10” and receiving coastal post “KLIVER-RP”.
ARHAS includes hydroacoustic array, information receiving and processing system and ultrashort wave range radiobuoys.
Ultrashort wave range radiobuoys transmit the information about the underwater object to the coastal post.
Distance between the coastal post and radiobuoy is 50-70 km, if the radioantenna of the coastal post is located at the height of 200 m above sea level.
Underwater state lightning system may be installed in the form of lengthy barriers, consisting of several ARHAS “KLIVER-10”, or single ARHAS “KLIVER-10”.
Water area, guarding by an ARHAS “KLIVER-10”, is 50-300 sq. km depending on ARHAS installation place hydrology.
ARHAS installation depth is 30-60 m.
Distance between ARHAS in guarding barrier is 4-10 km, depending on installation place hydrology.
ARHAS operation terms – up to 12 months and may be prolonged in accordance to concrete customer desire.